Our Health & Safety Policy and Principles:

LSI Engineering is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers, visitors and members of the Toronto communities in which we operate. This commitment includes:

  • Providing and maintaining safe and healthy working environments
  • Preventing fire and property damage, and
  • Promoting wellness among employees.

At LSI, health and safety is simultaneously an individual and collective responsibility. Our goal is to integrate comprehensive health and safety principles into all of our business planning, operational activities and training programs, in order to prevent injury and occupational illness from occurring. We remain diligent at all times, and strive to prevent injuries by adhering to well-established management systems that anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control health and safety hazards. And we encourage overall wellness and healthy lifestyle choices among employees by making available various health-promotion programs and activities.


LSI will meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable Health and Safety legislation and regulations, legislated Canadian standards, and corporate policies and procedures.

Awareness and Training:

LSI effectively communicates our policy to all employees and contractors, to raise awareness of our commitments and shared responsibilities for ensuring health and safety. Training is an integral component of achieving awareness and preventing injury and illness.

As your General Contractor, LSI will support the training and development of required competencies for all employees to ensure that health and safety

principles, processes and responsibilities are clearly understood and applied. Information is also provided to customers to aid them in reaching their health and safety goals.

Continual Improvement:

We regularly review our processes, actively seeking opportunities to improve performance and demonstrate leadership in preventing injury and illness. We audit against these processes at regular intervals for conformance and establish new processes as the need arises.